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NagVis is a visualization addon for the well known network managment system Nagios.

NagVis can be used to visualize Nagios Data, e.g. to display IT processes like a mail system or a network infrastructure.

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Integration into Centreon


Please help a authors with Centreon-nagvis module so NagVis could be integrated smoothly with this great monotiring system.

And please keep in mind support for both "backends" Nagios and Icinga.

You have the option to support ideas and featues by donating.

Features with donations will get more attention and will propably be implemented faster.

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How the supporting system works

You as a supporter of a feature specify one or several things you like to give to the solver for getting the feature request solved. It can be for example a bunch of coins but some developers migth also be happy about some beer donations ;-).

Posting your donation to a feature is seen as a willigness to support this feature. It is no binding offer. Once the feature gets targeted to be solved, we will contact you with more details.

Author: jorgeos · Date: %2012-%05-%25


Bonjour, J'ai utilisé cette configuration de centreon-bakend avec nagvis 1.8.5 et malheureusement malgré le eventbackground=1, je ne récupère que les états WARNING - CRITICAL - PENDING - UNKNOWN - Ok mais jamais les DOWNTIMES ET LES ACKNOLEDGE
Avez vous une idée a me transmettre ?
Author: antoine_poclet · Date: %2017-%05-%03
Bonjour, J'ai utilisé cette configuration de centreon-bakend avec nagvis 1.8.5 et malheureusement malgré le eventbackground=1, je ne récupère que les états WARNING - CRITICAL - PENDING - UNKNOWN - Ok mais jamais les DOWNTIMES ET LES ACKNOLEDGE
Avez vous une idée a me transmettre ?
Author: antoine_poclet · Date: %2017-%05-%03
Centreon is now providing an official module for that.
Centreon module is available as source or RPM.
NagVis backend is provided as source only.
Installation documentation is here : (centreon-nagvis)
Author: qdelance · Date: %2015-%02-%18
Centreon developers are working on it:
Author: Anonymous · Date: %2014-%08-%21

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